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Services & Programs

"Providing a path to assist women in moving beyond sexual exploitation and domestic violence"

Women Holding Hands

Sober Living Homes

Sober living homes (also known as sober houses or halfway houses) are designed to help recovering alcoholics and drug addicts bridge the gap between inpatient treatment and a return to independent living. Every sober home is different, but most require residents to attend recovery meetings, take random drug and alcohol tests, and be involved in work, school, or an outpatient treatment program. Sober homes have varying levels of supervision, too, from actively supervised by clinical professionals to peer-run.

Transitional Living Homes

 Transitional Living Program (TLP) is a time limited, person centered and goal focused series of planned interventions to improve individual outcomes. 


Aftercare Advocacy

We maintain the connection even after our woman leave our facilities. We find value in creating long lasting relationships that explore growth and opportunity for years to come. 

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